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Vision Statement: Grounded in love, guided by reason, committed to spiritual growth and justice.

Founded in 1952, the Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship is one of over 1,000 congregations around the country comprising the Unitarian Universalist Association. We are a diverse, free-thinking group with many different backgrounds, brought together by a desire for friendship, community, and commitment to Unitarian principles and purposes. 

As a Unitarian Fellowship, we do not have a minister. Rather, we host a series of weekly speakers—both members and citizens of our greater community who share knowledge on a topic that relates to one of the Seven Unitarian Universalist Principles. Sometimes the speaker is a visiting cleric, perhaps Unitarian, perhaps from another religion. We gather wisdom from the world's religions to deepen our understanding and to expand our vision.

For the younger members of our congregation, we have a weekly
Children's Fellowship where they can play while exploring the ideas in which our Unitarian Universalist community is founded.

If you have suggestions for people you would like to hear speak at the Fellowship, please let us know in the Speaker Suggestion Box.  And if you are interested in sharing your own knowledge or interests please tell us more about them in the Prospective Speaker Form

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