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Below you will find a list of our committees with information about how to connect with committee chairs in order to find out more. 

Arts & Music Committee
Co-chairs: Mark Oehler & Gwen Snyder  

Arts Subcommittee - This subcommittee arranges for regular displays of art in the Fellowship building. They contact and communicate with interested artists, arrange the schedule to ensure art displays, and arrange for art openings and events, prepare lists of artwork on exhibit, and provide information to the Communications and Publicity committees. 

Music Subcommittee - This subcommittee is arranges for musicians to play during Sunday services. They contact and communicate with interested musicians, arrange the schedule to ensure live music at each Sunday service, and relay information to Communications Committee for the order of service. They oversee the maintenance of the piano and coordinate with Fellowship musical groups such as the Back Porch Singers and FUF Choir.

Budget & Finance Committee
Chair: Carla Couret, Board Treasurer

This committee is responsible for preparing a budget for the following year to be presented at the December FUF Annual Meeting, conducts the weekly collection during Sunday services and provides to Treasurer for deposit, and recommends and monitors financial investments of FUF.

Building & Grounds Committee
Co-chairs: Phil Strnste & Suzanne Tormoen
This committee is responsible for general maintenance of the FUF building and surrounding grounds.

Building Subcommittee - This committee is responsible for oversight of building repair and maintenance and coordination with contractors.

Grounds Subcommittee - This committee is responsible for coordinating volunteer gardening help, as needed, and maintenance of FUF Living Memory Garden. Twice a year, this committee is the primary coordinator of Sunday Garden Parties. 

Communications Committee

Chair: Mary Matthews, Corresponding Secretary

Newsletter: Jane Finger

This committee is responsible for the accurate and timely distribution of information to FUF membership. They prepare weekly communications including the Weekender, Sunday Bulletin/Order of Service, and Sunday Announcements Email. They are also responsible for the FUF newsletter. They work closely with the Publicity & Marketing Committee to ensure accuracy of information. They work with the History & Records Committee to maintain the FUF Bulletin Board in the lobby of the building.

Education & Youth Committee

Chair: Allyson Russell, Children's Fellowship Coordinator

This committee is responsible for all aspects of the Fellowship efforts to educate and support youth, from small children to teens.

Education Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible supervision of children in attendance at Sunday services by offering an age-appropriate UU curriculum.  They are responsible for vetting, training, and supervision of Children's Fellowship volunteers. For more information, check out the Children's Fellowship page

Scholarship Subcommittee - This committee is responsible for the administration of the FUF scholarship program, including advertising, fundraising, soliciting and reviewing applications, determining scholarship amounts, and presenting scholarships. 

Environmental Action Committee

Chair: Riva Fralick
This committee is responsible for organizing FUF's involvement in community environmental action events (e.g. Earth Day), liaison with UU environmental responsibility groups and other local groups, and make recommendations to the FUF Board for eco-friendly practices and charitable contributions. 

History & Records Committee

Co-Chairs: Michael Patrick, Past President and Nick Coulson, Recording Secretary

This committee is responsible for recording and preserving the history of the Fellowship, maintaining the FUF library and magazine exchange, maintaining a notebook of FUF newsletters and bulletins/orders of service. Works with Membership Committee to maintain the Memory Book.

Membership Committee

Chair: TBD

Care & Concerns: Susan Hammack

This committee is responsible for all aspects of membership engagement and support.

Membership Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for welcoming and engaging new and potential members, maintain and distributing membership materials, and connecting new members with appropriate FUF committees and resources. They work with the History & Records Committee and Administrator to ensure proper membership information and processes. Occasionally organizes member appreciation and/or UU orientations, as needed. 

Care & Concerns Subcommittee - This subcommittee coordinates receipt and dissemination of information about member illnesses or other needs. They also organizes FUF response to member needs, such as cards, flowers, or meals. 

Nominating Committee


The Chair of the Board appoints three (3) members to organize the annual election of new officers of the board. 

Publicity & Marketing Committee

Chair: TBD

Website: Shelby Gamble

Social Media: Michael Patrick

This committee is responsible for promoting the Fellowship in the community and publicizing special events. They design marketing materials, update the website and social media, and work with local media outlets to increase public awareness of the Fellowship.  

Sunday Program Committee

Chair: Brandon Fischer, Second Vice President for Programs

Chalice: Mia Manifold & Simone Normand

Hospitality: TBD

Program Tech: TBD
This committee is responsible for scheduling speakers, arranging for introduction, organizing the Sunday program generally. Program Techs help set up the projector and moderate the Zoom session. 

Chalice Lighters Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for scheduling chalice lighters each Sunday and providing that information to the Communications Committee for the Sunday Bulletin/Order of Service.

Readers Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for scheduling readers each Sunday and providing that information to the Communications Committee for the Sunday Bulletin/Order of Service.

Hospitality Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for scheduling volunteers to make coffee, bring and serve refreshments, and clean up each Sunday. 

Program Tech Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for scheduling program techs to run the PowerPoint projector and Zoom each Sunday. 

Social Action Committee

Chair: Brian Willkie

Pantry: Don Joffe

This committee is responsible for coordinating FUF's involvement in social action. 

Social Activism Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for coordinating FUF's involvement in social action events in the area, such as MLK Day celebrations, protests, and other activism. They also work closely with local groups address social concerns in the area such as Arise Alabama. They offer recommendations to the FUF Board on how the Fellowship can address social issues. 

Little Free Pantry Subcommittee - This subcommittee is responsible for maintenance and promotion of the FUF Little Free Pantry. They ensure the pantry is filled as needed and that the Fellowship is aware of needed items. 

Special Projects/Events Committee

Chair: TBD

This committee is responsible for planning  and executing special events of the Fellowship such as Pi(e) Day, Campout, and other fundraisers. 

Technology Committee

Chair: TBD
This committee is responsible for ensuring a trained audio tech is scheduled for each Sunday. they also provide recommendations to the FUF Board for technical improvements. They coordinate appropriate maintenance of Fellowship technology such as sound equipment, computers, and projectors. 


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